Monday, October 1, 2007

Visit #1

Yesterday was my first visit to the State Fair of Texas. And of course, I came prepared with my season pass. Because the season pass is the smartest thing around. For $29.99 you can go to the fair as often as your heart desires, AND you get a free Cinemark pass and a free ticket to Six Flags. Score!

Carly and I knew that the first task at hand was the fried chocolate chip cookie dough, and quickly decided it was genius. All gooey and chocolate-y on the inside, yet with the crispy fried outside, provided the perfect juxtaposition of textures.

Next up, we checked out one of the pavilions with the butter sculpture and prize-winning crafts. We decided that next year we will enter some of our own crafts because much of it was less than impressive. We walked around a lot, critiquing and laughing at rides and games, and constantly reading the menus of funny fair food. (Fried Lattes! Cheese on a stick! Fried Banana Pudding! Fried Chili Burrito! Fried Sweet Potato Pie!)

Then we started the quest for the fried Zesty Guacamole! We walked and walked and walked and walked and Carly kept saying "the map says it is right under that Thrillway sign!" Finally I spotted the remote kiosk. The lady asked if we would mind waiting 10 minutes. Um, no we don't mind! So we spent the time standing under some crazy ride shreiking every time the people whirled towards us and every time it seemed like the would slam into our faces. When the guacamole bites were ready, Carly was the guinea pig and yelped with pain at the hot hot (temperature hot) goodness. They gave us both ranch and salsa for dipping. YUM!

Finally, some more walking, a cut through the car show, and we were off to Amsterdam for our usual Sunday night activities. We topped the night off with some "My So-Called Life" that I taped off the tv in high school. It was a good night.

Fried Cookie Dough:

Trying out the fancy mattresses in the Pavillion:

Fried zesty guacamole:


GeeOff said...
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sleepypasture said...

Pfffffft. I have been taking pics of myself eating bad food (and posting them on myspace) for over two years now.